VIAVI Solutions ONMSi Flash Fiber Monitoring for Addressing Network Route Flapping

Sept. 22, 2021
VIAVI’s ONMSi Flash Fiber Monitoring is used to detect and locate an optical power "flash" loss in 1/10th of a second. It is 100 to 300 times faster than traditional OTDR monitoring.

VIAVI’s ONMSi Flash Fiber Monitoring is used to detect and locate an optical power "flash" loss in 1/10th of a second. It is 100 to 300 times faster than traditional OTDR monitoring. These flash attenuations are the physical cause of network route flapping burst error conditions affecting thousands of customers a day in high-speed services. The feature can be dedicated to a specific problem route to identify and locate the source location of these attenuation “break” events. MSOs can locate and send the right network team to reduce errors affecting thousands of customers.

Judge’s Comment: “This looks like a great new tool to look at optical power over time to look for impairments, optical signature changes, bursts, and attenuation loss that impact fiber performance over time. This would be attractive to service providers with high-density, high-value direct fiber routes.”

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